Public transport simulation in December VESS
Passenger transport simulation and optimization in the concluding VESS of this year. Our next speaker from the academy, Dr Idalia Flores de La Mota from the National University of Mexico, will present transport simulation on December 18th.
Dr Idalia Flores de La Mota received a Bachelor in Mathematics, Master and PhD in Operations Research. Her research area is optimization and simulation for production systems and services. Since 1998 she has been working in research projects, some of them related to industrial problems. She has been chair of a simulation and optimization track at the European Simulation Multiconference since 2009.
Professor Flores has contributed to many modelling and simulation books. She has also managed numerous simulation optimization projects.
Don’t miss this interesting VESS talk about public transport simulation and register now! Registration is free of charge and is open to everyone! More details about the speaker and our upcoming seminars can be found on the VESS page here. EUROSIM and the Dutch Benelux Simulation Society continue organising VESS – free simulation seminars.
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